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From Vision to Written: A Step by Step Course to Write Your Book with Ease in 30 Days
Section 1: Welcome to Your Book Writing Journey!
Welcome to Your Book Writing Journey: A Video from the Creator, Rhonda Watts-Robinson, M.Div. (4:52)
Time to Set Your Goal!
Join Our Exclusive, Private Birth Your Book with Rhonda Facebook Community
Section 2: Starting with the Basics
Why Your MUST Write Your Book Now! (16:56)
Step 1: Essential Questions You Must Ask Yourself BEFORE You Begin Writing (11:26)
Section 3: Time to Dump that Brain!
Step 2: It's Time to Dump that Brain! (10:34)
Time to Dump that Brain Handout
Section 4: Schedule Yourself for Writing Success!
Step 3: Here's Your Next Essential Step!
Time to Outline
Step 4: Official Book Writing Schedule Tracker
Section 6: What Truly Makes Your Book Successful
"What Truly Makes Your Book Successful?" Audio Lesson
What Truly Makes Your Book Successful Worksheet
Session 7: Exclusive Bonuses and More!
Get Ready! Here are some VERY Exclusive GIFTS Just for You! (14:12)
Join Our Exclusive, Private Birth Your Book with Rhonda Facebook Community
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